Sunday, May 24, 2009

Band Meeting

Practice was cancelled yesterday because Weston decided to flip out on his grandmother repeatedly. Great...

We can't decide on songs to do because we're never together. And now that all the band spots have been filled, we need to decide on a name. Which we can't do because we all aren't together ever. We had a mini band meeting Friday, but without our lead guitarist Taylor and Mitchell was only there for his lesson. So Weston and I walked around, just talking.

I'm not at liberty to say what happened, but he's gone through alot of life pain.

7 days left of school. 7 days until the summer. Then another month or so until TIP again. It's going to be heaven. Really, it is. Plans for the off days of this summer are just to write alot, catch up on sleep, read the required reading for IB (which no one has been able to find), and get band practice in, whether alone or together. And start saving up for my Grestch Stump-o-matic Corvette electric. It's amazing. And going to take forever to save up. Ugh...

Spent all day yesterday shopping. My feet are killing me. And when I say all day, I mean all day. From noon to 6; then my mom, stepdad, stepsister, her boyfriend, and I ate dinner to catch Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. It was hysterical, but what killed it was having the Jonas Brothers in it. God, they disgust me...

Still listening to music at all times. It's my only way out of reality, and I take any breaks I can get.

Sam has convinced Chelsi not to do IB and stay with her at Mitchell. The only reason Sam's even doing Mitchell is to stay with her boyfriend, who's probably just going to break up with her anyway. She and Chelsi won't even have any classes together, while if they both went to IB, all three of us would have probably a majority of classes together. Sam's said on numerous occasions how Chelsi and I are her only friends. Why would she go to a school where she doesn't know anyone, or everyone hates her, for a boyfriend that doesn't appreciate the sacrifice?

Whatever, it's their decision, it's their life. Now all I have to worry about is Sherron going to IB, since we aren't exactly friends...

Let me say one thing on that: the only reason Sam and I said those things to her was for her to get the message of "we don't appreciate the way you friend-hop". It wasn't to be mean, it wasn't for her to feel bad, we just needed a way for her to get it, considering we tried in every other way. I know that it was wrong to sink to her level, but that's the only way she'd ever understand.

My mom has a twitter account and she wants to find mine. Uh oh...

The key in life is love of all kinds. And what other people don't get is that there are many types of love.

It's 8:12 this morning; shower, listen to music while getting dressed, talk to Graham/Mitchell (about band practice ideas), write.

<3 Luna


  1. Don't worry too much about the required reading. This past year they forgot to give it out, so I didn't even have to read it. Yay.

  2. Gracias. But don't they have to give the incoming freshman something?

  3. Apparently not my class's incoming Freshmen.

  4. Okay...

    Wait, someone said something about it coming in the mail I think. Whatever.

    Did you hear about Mitchell's list? Flush and Maniac Magee.
